Monday 31 May 2010

Finale of student life

Sorry, I've been MIA-ing recently. Just submitted my FYP and had the presentation last Friday, followed by the end of Management dinner. We better get an A cause I think our presentation went very well and we managed to answer all the questions in our Q&A.

My group & our lovely supervisor

Us in front of the Business School

After a whole week of trying to cut down our essay by 4 000 words, practising our presentation and spending the entire day being drowned by other groups' presentations, we headed to Hotel Rembrandt in Knightsbridge for our end of year management social. Food there was surprisingly not that bad, the way they arranged their food was very professional and pretty looking. Only disappointment is that food were served way too slow and service was quite poor. 

Chicken salad (5 stars)
All you vege haters would love this dish cause it tastes nothing like a salad.

Salmon (3 stars)

Lemon cheesecake (4 stars)
Though to be honest I was too full to judge by then :S

Then of course there was the usual cam-whoring. (:

Mo, me, Sel

Niki, Kristy, me

Jacq, me, Minglee

Yabo & I

Iain &  I

Amirah & I

I'm wearing this white Lipsy dress for the first time although I bought it a year ago. Stupid me. It's probably out of fashion already. Anyway, after that we went for the usual karaoke. We were all very knackered from the continuous lack of sleep so it wasn't that great but it was our last gathering ):

I'm quite sad that another year has come to an end again. Time to move on with our lives and enter the working world :S I hope everyone gets a good job (if you haven't already) and reach your dreams. To those lucky bitches on a gap year, have a time of your life and sorry to say but you'll have a harder transition to the suits and ties. See you all during graduation, till then...

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