Monday 6 September 2010

Sexy Singapore

I finally revisited Singapore after seven long years. Going back to the same country even though it's a different city is NOT acceptable to me and what more Singapore when it's teeny weeny? Maybe China could be an exception but definitely not Singapore. Like come on, there's 148 countries in this world, I'll much rather go to some far away or perhaps an exotic place than return to the same country.

But I'll definitely give credit to Singapore because this small island is not recognizable at all. A bit shocked though I didn't expect much less from Sg. As usual I played the tourist and visited the zoo, bird park, science centre, casino, Universal Studio; not to forget the drinking at Clarke Quay & shopping at Orchard Road. (:

A show at the night safari

Indian temple

Big red Chinese temple

E trying to be funny

The very beautiful swimming pool in the shape of a ship on the top of 3 buildings *engineering marvel*

Casino - ground floor

Universal Studio

To me, Universal Studio is way over rated. Well I'm a little biased cause I do not go on roller coasters; heights and speed are a bad combination. Also, I was told tickets are often sold out and that I should book my tickets online which I very well did. And guess what?!? I woke up and it was RAINING! Since I wasn't allowed to cancel the bookings which was really unfair, the one hour walk costed me SGD70. I wouldn't recommend anyone to go cause it's very small compared to Disneyland & they have that silly non-refundable policy. Not impressed!

Looks like Sg is not such an efficient country after all :S

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