Wednesday 1 December 2010

Finland & Estonia

Annual bear campaign which travels the world. Each bear is painted by a country depicting it's own culture. This year this campaign which promotes world peace was held in Helsinki.


Thai bear

Cuban bear with a cigar. Very disappointed there was no bear by Malaysia ):

Remains of a wall during the wartime

Pretty, colourful flowers (:

Estonian traditional food and lady

Nice view, sunny day but still cold!

If you're not a fish person, you better not step foot there. Although the tiny fried fishes are very tasty, at one point it will be sickening esp when you realise they do not even serve mushroom soup; only fish soup everywhere!

Best time of the year to visit: July-Sept

Fun facts:
1 Skype was invented in Estonia.
2 Almost 100% of Estonia has wireless internet which includes public places like the park.
3 Finland is the happiest country to live in with of course the happiest people in the world. (Gonna think about moving there now...)

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