I wonder what it takes for me to rewrite history, undo wrongdoings and just have things back to normal again. I yearn for your touch, your scent, your smile just to wake up to find that I have the bed all to myself.
I wished I could erase some scenes and memories. The disappointment in your eyes, the silence you fed me when I was helpless and dying for some words of comfort, the sound of your engine leaving my garage.
I miss the sight of your clothes strewn all over my room, the way you carry me when I'm drunk, your laugh, your wink. I would give everything to fix this disarray I caused just to get your nod of approval again. But is my realisation too late?!?!?
Friday, 15 July 2011
Sunday, 29 May 2011
A 15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. People call her a slut. No one knows she was raped at 13. People call a girl fat. No one knows she has a serious disease which causes her to be over weight. People call an old man ugly. No one knows he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for our country in the war.
Re post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
I was told that parents are happiest during two occasions; their children's graduation and their children's wedding. Not sure how much of that is true but I'm just glad that I'm a graduate although I have to say Imperial freaking robbed me of my university life.
Most of my friends had measly 13 hours a week or something whilst I was busy trying to read & compile the three timetables given to me. Doing a science degree is a BIG NO NO! That itself is an understatement. If all you want is just that qualification on a piece of paper certifying you then let me tell you that there is a bucket load of other easier or more carefree and easygoing degrees to choose from. How I wished someone at least told me that...All I heard about uni life was how fun it is, how much free time you have, boy, how wrong I was!
But at the end of the day, despite all the slavery I sought to and hard work I put in, I'm just glad uni life is over (or should I say Imperial life?). Imperial should really advertise this on their website:
-first year chemists have to submit their lab reports every Friday by 12am
-second year chemists have lectures then labs from 9am-5pm straight
The 12am thing, I never got. Like why would you ruin my Friday nights and make me hand in an awfully and badly composed lab report when you could have received more quality if only you gave me till Sunday 12am? I tend to think the lecturers in Imperial have nothing to do with their weekend & would prefer marking our lab reports to fill in their empty time.
The 9-5 with no lunch break. Isn't there any 'student rights' law which says it's mandatory to give your students at least an hour of eating time or break time? After all it's a proven fact that students who work with enough break time are more productive and learn faster than students with insufficient break time. Hmph!!!
Oh well, what doesn't kill you make you stronger and stronger I became (: Or that is what I would like to believe. Do remind me to send Imperial my medical fees cause I'm convinced I have gastric pains ever since my second year in Imperial began!
SO, if anyone is even thinking of joining the Imperial family, you & I can have a lengthy talk and I'm sure you wanna think twice about such a huge commitment. But like everything in life, all has its own pros & cons. My only advice is to be wise with all decisions, it often deserves more time than we think it does.
To all my Australian friends graduating in 2 weeks, give yourself a pat on the back! I wish I could attend your ceremonies but rest assured I'll be there spiritually. Here is a big, hearty welcome to the next stage of your life --------------> the working world
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Finland & Estonia
Annual bear campaign which travels the world. Each bear is painted by a country depicting it's own culture. This year this campaign which promotes world peace was held in Helsinki.
Thai bear
Cuban bear with a cigar. Very disappointed there was no bear by Malaysia ):
Remains of a wall during the wartime
Pretty, colourful flowers (:
Estonian traditional food and lady
Nice view, sunny day but still cold!
If you're not a fish person, you better not step foot there. Although the tiny fried fishes are very tasty, at one point it will be sickening esp when you realise they do not even serve mushroom soup; only fish soup everywhere!
Best time of the year to visit: July-Sept
Fun facts:
1 Skype was invented in Estonia.
2 Almost 100% of Estonia has wireless internet which includes public places like the park.
3 Finland is the happiest country to live in with of course the happiest people in the world. (Gonna think about moving there now...)
Monday, 22 November 2010
Quote of the month
"Apologising doesn’t mean there isn’t guilt and forgiving doesn’t mean the pain is gone"
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Child labour in India

A child carries unbaked bricks to a kiln at a brick factory in Raichak, India.

Seven-year-old Salaj Mohammed Kasim weeps during a police raid on a Mumbai (Bombay) embroidery workshop.

An Indian woman holds the hand of her eight-year-old daughter after she hammered her finger last year while breaking rocks on the banks of a river in Siliguri, India.

Indian boys look out a window during a police raid in Mumbai.

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